WideOps expertly orchestrated a seamless migration for our client,
leveraging GCP’s robust ecosystem to establish a secure landing zone
and transition two critical GKE workloads using Terraform.

The challenge

Our client faced escalating costs on AWS and sought a more
cost-effective solution without compromising performance. They
needed a partner to facilitate a smooth migration to GCP, ensuring
their workloads were efficiently managed and integrated within the
GitHub and GCP ecosystems while avoiding unnecessary third-party

The solution

WideOps designed and implemented a comprehensive solution using
GCP services. We established a GCP landing zone with Terraform,
deployed GKE workloads utilizing spot instances with failover to
regular nodes for cost efficiency, and set up a robust CI/CD pipeline
from GitHub through the Artifact Registry to GKE, ensuring seamless
and reliable deployments.

The results

The migration resulted in a significant reduction in operational costs, slashing expenses by nearly half compared to AWS. Both development and production projects run smoothly, offering improved workload insights and visualization capabilities. Our strategic approach has empowered the client to maintain efficient operations within the GCP ecosystem.

“WideOps was instrumental in helping us build a
cutting-edge infrastructure heavily reliant on GPUs.
Their expertise in cloud optimization and hands-on
support enabled us to design and implement a
state-of-the-art system that maximizes our GPU
utilization.Thanks to WideOps’ guidance, we now have
a scalable, efficient infrastructure that powers our
intensive computational needs!”

— Uria Franko CTO at Novacy

About Novacy

Novacy empowers B2B revenue teams to close
more deals by analyzing audio, text, and body
language to uncover prospects’ underlying
perceptions. Our platform helps you coach
teams, predict outcomes, and streamline sales
processes. Move beyond guesswork and gain
insights into what your prospects truly feel.

Vertical/horizontal solution:

Software & Internet

Primary project location:



About WideOps LTD

WideOps is a Google Cloud Premier Partner with
a proven track record of consistently delivering
state of the art solutions to their customers.


Google Cloud Platform